Flirting with the sales girl 101

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

So you came in and saw this pretty girl smile at you, giggle at your jokes, and flirt with you a little. You think you might have a shot huh? Sorry, 9 times out of 10 that's a big old nope. A nope and a half even. See we're WORKING. Our job is to get you to spend money, and men are simple, simple creatures. Wanna compliment us? Awesome. We do love compliments. And we probably think you're an okay guy. But then you go too far and we really just want to punch you. Seriously.

What shouldn't you do? Here is a list:

  • Touch us. Don't ever touch me. I don't know you and I don't get paid enough to tolerate unwanted touching. In fact, no one does. Have some manners. 

  • Ask us to "help you try something on". Two words for that: Fucking. Disgusting. 

  • Use inappropriate language. Would you want someone to say that to your sister/daughter? No? Don't say it to us. 

  • Keep going when we're giving you clear "NO" signals. If I keep trying to talk away from you, you are probably creeping me right the fuck out and I have zero interest. This is not an invitation to follow me around and find new things to talk about as I am ringing out other customers. 

  • Ask where we live/what our number is. If I want you to have either of those pieces of information, I will write it on the back of your receipt when you leave. Chances are I don't, but sometimes your sales girl is single and would like to see you again. She'll let you know. 

  • Touch us. This warrants being said more than once. 

  • If you have been flirting with us, and are buying tons of stuff to impress us and suddenly hear of a boyfriend or fiance, don't go put all that shit back and walk out with nothing. That just screams asshole and everyone remembers that. You're a scumbag. 

  • And for the love of Pete and Pete, don't leer at us. We are forced to be here, can not escape, and there is nothing worse than being unable to flee a creepy dude at your job. I appreciate that you find me attractive, really. But have manners and class about it. I don't wanna finish my shift just dying to get home and scrub off three layers of skin because of the way you were looking at me. I am not a piece of meat. 

There was a guy who came in to my store a few days ago, asking if me or my manager had seen his friend. He said he was going to be in our store but wasn't answering his phone. While giving us a description of his friend he kept stopping to tell us we were "beautiful ladies". Compliments all around. And you know what? We really appreciated it. He stayed more than an arms length away from us at all times, and used respectful language. He at one point asked if our store only hired beautiful redheads to work there and I laughed and pointed at our large burly male cashier who is also a redhead and said yes and he took the joke so well and just kept rolling with it. It was so nice to be complimented in a non creepy way, my manager and I talked about it for the rest of the day. THAT boys, is how you flirt with the sales girl. 


  1. Hi, This is a good post, indeed a great job. You must have done good research for the work, i appreciate your efforts.. Looking for more updates from your side. Thanks
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  2. I don't know if my comment got through

    I was saying I really wanna take this gorgeous mature muscular woman at the vitamin shop.. In Australia perth..

    Should I straight up aks her while buying something.. Or not buy anything and be assertive but in a polite way..

    Or give her a number with a sweet respectful confident mssg or

    Wait for her to close down cz it's a big mall.. Talking when shes free seems like a good idea..

    Haalp. M:D

  3. You mean I can't just walk in a suit and shove my cock in their liberal mouths? And then bitch slap their managers.
